How to balance your dairy farming books
Managing dairy farm overheads
We will give expert advice on how to manage farm overheads in balance with output.
In times of low milk price especially, its important to look at the level of overheads incurred overall and on a per litre basis to ensure the spend is in balance with output. As most overheads are not fixed, opportunities exist to change the spend too.

Cost management
At Douglas Green Consulting we ask these key questions for managing costs:
- How does output impact on total and per litre spend?
- Are you really delivering reduced overheads per litre through dilution?
- Does a block calving system offer the chance to reduce spend?
- How can we use grazing more effectively to reduce overheads (as well as variable costs)?
- Is your machinery fleet old and costing alot to repair?
- Would selling your least profitable cows allow a fall in overhead spend?
We provide a dispassionate insight in to your system and the costs you are incurring.
Farm growth and reinvestment
We have the expertise to budget the impact of growth and investment in your farming business, so whether you are looking at a new milking parlour, solar panels or a new dairy unit we have the tools and expertise to help you explore your options and, if appropriate, incorporate these into your plans.
Often major spend is needed when your facilities reach the end of their useful life.
At Douglas Green Consulting we have the expertise to help with the thorny question: Should we sell the herd or reinvest? The answer to this takes account of your unique circumstances including succession, milk buyer, current borrowings and a host more factors.
Reassured we have the skills and the tools needed to assist you with these major decisions. To find out more about our approach please contact us or check out our farm business consultancy section.