DGCL Autumn Newsletter - Total Dairy and Upcoming Events

5 September 2019

Welcome to the Autumn Edition of the Douglas Green Consulting newsletter




With the ever-growing demands on our time it is easy to forget to put time aside for knowledge transfer and upskilling. This is true not just for farmers, but for staff members as well.

At DGCL we feel that continuous professional development is vital to the ongoing success of our business. Furthermore, it allows us to search through the vast array of information available to our clients and highlight the key points and topics that might be of interest and beneficial to the businesses we work with.

This summer Emily attended the Total Dairy Conference to gain further training on all things dairy nutrition! In this newsletter Emily highlights some of the fascinating points raised during the conference, which may be of interest to our dairy clients.


The full newsletter can be accessed by clicking the link below:


DGCL Autumn Newsletter - Total Dairy and Dates for your Diary


Should you wish to discuss anything in the newsletter with one of our consultants in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact the office on:


Phone: 01666 817278
Email: emily@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk