100% Independent, 100% for you

Increase farm profits with the right cow feed

Independent nutrition profits your dairy farm

Feed spend is by far the biggest cost for dairy farmers and it is a spend that merits significant care. Our benchmark spend on concentrates is currently 27% of milk sales, but the range we have seen recently from 20% to 44%, an eye watering amount. We are motivated by driving your dairy farm profits and it’s in our interests to keep your percentage spend low.

At Douglas Green Consulting we are one of the few firms who do not profit from supplying feeds or supplements, so we only advise what is needed to drive performance profitability. Most nutritionist have a vested interest in which feeds you use and how much, but not us.

Our diets link in to our budgeted feed use and this in turn links to our costings and budgets. We calculate the total amount and cost of each input over the year and so accurately budget the spend.

These requirements link to cropping plans, and the costs per tonne of dry matter you can achieve for the various forages.

  • Is maize the best value feed to grow?
  • Would whole crop be a viable alternative?

We explore with you total feed costs and forage quality, but just concentrates.

Proven Nutrition Program

Our nutrition program is well proven and with experienced and qualified staff we provide well balanced cost effective diets to get the best from your dairy herd.

Independent nutrition sourcing

Independent nutrition opens the door to independent sourcing. Buy the best value products, not just those available through your local rep.

Reduce the cost per tonne significantly through tendering or via a buying group.

We have good links to a range of buying groups and feed our clients in to these as appropriate.

We provide the complete nutrition solution! Get in touch today by filling in the form below.

Your Independent Farm Consultants - Get in touch today

We welcome you to contact our dairy farm consultants and agricultural consultants by filling out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Douglas Green Consulting
Silver Street Barn
Streete Farm
Compton Bassett
SN11 8RH

t: 01666 817278
e: douglas@douglasgreenconsulting.co.uk